Friday, May 2, 2008


Its currently 12:32 am, im alone in my apartment and wearing a drindle. For no reason.
Theres been so many things going on lately!
This past week hasn't been so great. Im terrified of my grades coming in for my parents to see. I didn't do well. Actually- I did great, but I've been getting really sick lately and missing some days.
Oh yeah- I've been getting really sick lately. Which side topic brings me to how lovely Kirk is...totally a side topic.
So back in October, I was in a car ding and went to the hospital because of me blacking out and all this stuff- I don't know the full details seeing how I don't remember any of it. I've been doing really well in the past few months, but something about this week didnt go so right. Monday I started to feel really bad in my 5 o'clock class. I sent kirk about a million texts because I really felt like I was going to pass out. It all starts like this choking sensation at the base of my neck. I get all dizzy and I kind of lose track of where I am and whats going on. Well he, like the brave, lovely, amazing boy he is, stomps outta work to come and save me from the perils of being sick in calculus....only to get stuck in traffic for a little bit. That wasn't so bad because I got to finish my calc class but I don't remember walking back to my apartment. And i don't remember coming in. And i remember walking into my bathroom to find some Advil, but thats about it. Next thing I know, kirk's above me slappin' at my cheeks and doing the "INDYINDYINDY" thing. So he picked me up off the floor and put me to bed and everything was okay until I just went cold and I again don't remember anything. Kirk says I'm having honest to goodness seizures now. I feel so nauseated afterwards I cant even tell you. That day I had maybe 2 more and the exact same the next. I don't think they're panic attacks or anything because I walk up in the middle of the night with these. According to my lovely Kirkland, i get all twitchy and I just stop responding. Ive had at least one this entire week and its getting really old. I know i'm worrying Kirk. I keep apologizing to him, but I dont think that makes him stop worrying. He already worries enough about me and here I go making it ten times worse.
To be honest, Im afraid to fall asleep. Or take showers. Its the worst situation ever and im hoping it just goes away. I don't want to tell my folks because (a) Ronald being in Iraq, they have enough to worry on (b) I've already put them through this before (c) I don't want to break my lease and move home and (d) it'll probably just go away.
So, its 12:32 am and thats why Im not asleep wearing a drindle.